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What can we do for you ?

Complete solution for bike store owners

Hover over the tabs and learn more about our features and service

Sign up for Free

Sign up for free

Signing up to our platform is free! You can enlist as many bikes as you want without any extra charges.

Enlist your bike

Enlist your bike

Add your bike easily on our platform with clear photos and details for faster booking. Our user-friendly site makes it a breeze.
Add your bike!

Direct Booking

Direct booking

Book your bike directly with our system for a hassle-free and secure transaction. The automatic calendar sync prevents double bookings.

Add extras with your bike

Add extras with your bike

It is also possible to rent accessories like helmets or shoes with your bike. Just add them to your listing!

Free advertisement

Free advertisement

Listing your bike is free! We charge a small 10% fee only when a booking is made. No hidden fees, just one simple tariff for all bookings. If you do well, we do well!

Get payed!

Get payed!

Get paid when your booking is completed with no problems. We strive to highlight your bikes to increase exposure and bookings, benefiting everyone involved!
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